Thank you for stopping by at our blog, we are so excited to have you here. We share our love for cooking healthy living and sustainable living. We share recipes we tried, different recipes or we find to be really delicious and we want more people to try them.
Did you know that by recent stats there were 5 trillion recipes cooked in the world! Preparing your favorite meal or trying something new doesn’t have to be boring and unpleasant.
Just think about all the recipes you can not tasty because you’ve never heard of them. We’ll be happy if you share with us your favorite recipes or recipes you discovered and think they are worth sharing with others.
TastyBG is dedicated to encouraging people to try new or often forgotten recipes and spread the word. There are over 40 types of cuisine that are popular in the world. With today’s technologies, we have the incredible chance to get inspired by so many unthinkable before recipes.
People can relax in different ways. For me, the best time is cooking in my kitchen and listening to my favorite music. You have to know to you can bring your imagination and implement into modifying recipes and add something from you. This is how some of the best recipes are created. I hope you find some recipes here you enjoy and don’t forget to share with us and follows on social media
Thank you for reading!